Events for September 20, 2024 › Education Programs

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Compost 101: Introduction to Compost

Lundale Farm 2501 Pottstown Pike, Pottstown

Join us for an exciting journey into the world of composting – nature's ultimate recycling adventure! Learn how to turn your yard leaves, grass trimmings, and kitchen scraps into gold for your garden and the planet. In this class, we're digging into the secrets to kick-starting your composting journey: from selecting the perfect container, mastering the art of what goes in (and what stays out!), and answering any questions you have about why composting is so important when it comes to landfills and beyond. By the end of this session, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to create your own nutrient-rich compost, transforming waste into a powerful ally for your garden's success. This is a FREE event hosted at the barn at Lundale Farm. Simply sign up to let us know you're coming! Sign up:

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